Some of the words
Please be sure to obey the law. Don't download what you shouldn't download, watch what you shouldn't read, and click what you shouldn't click
This is only for technology sharing, do not use for illegal purposes, used for illegal purposes have nothing to do with me
So one of The Times when you're doing a problem, you need to bring something back to the local area, just to get the answer
Actual use
Assuming you have the account password of the target machine, you can directly use a third-party SSH tool to access it and retrieve the flag file you want
Assuming your target is on a fortress, consider relying directly on the fortress to deliver files
Assuming your target has a Web application, consider putting the flag file you will be downloading into a Web directory and remotely accessing it
Assuming that the target machine can open the Web application via Python, etc., and the port is reachable, how will you download it later
If none of the above methods succeed, consider using SSH to pass flag files you want
Like this scp 1.7z root@

Confirm your target flag file like this

Watch your tracks,you can cat the hosts file